Dr. Kunyong Lv
The new SIST machine shop is located in the basement of the SIST 4 building. The machine shop (metal, wood, electronics) for building devices and robots is shared between all interested SIST labs. The workshop features advanced machining tools like milling machines, lathe, big and small CNC machines, a table saw and others. Please see the images below. We also have a number of very good 3D printers, for example a Stratasys Objet 260 Connex 3. The heart of the SIST machine shop is a big 5-axis (aluminum and steel) CNC milling/ lathe: a DMG DMU50.
Research Engineer Dr. Kunyong Lv is heading the construction and operation of the machine shop. Please contact him for inquiries regarding the machining of tools. In the STAR Center we extensively use the services of the SIST Machine Shop to manufacture parts for our robots.
SIST Machine Shop
DMG MORI DMU 50: 5-axis CNC machine